About Us
Ridley & Associates provides analysis, strategic planning and project implementation for government, business and non-profit organizations. We offer substantial experience and proven success with cutting-edge projects and programs.
Our client services include in-depth analysis and the advice and support of seasoned experts to meet each project’s requirements. We help to design, manage and monitor projects and programs, and we also train and support a client’s staff to handle day-to-day tasks.
We are a small firm by design, which allows us to maximize flexibility, minimize client costs, and maintain close contact and continuity. Services are delivered by the principals of the firm, or with a team we select from associates we believe to be the best individuals for a particular project. The result is economy and targeted, high-quality work.
Our clients include state, county and local governments, national and local public interest organizations, businesses and corporations, and public institutions. A client list is available on request.